Starbucks vs Second Cup

Starbucks vs Second Cup

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It all comes down to this...



Starbucks has the backing of a powerful coffee empire, allowing them to spread further over the globe.  For Starbucks the sky is the limit and in most major cities in the world, you cannot walk a couple blocks without seeing the Starbucks Coffee sign. 
Starbucks prices are slightly higher, but you are paying for the brand of coffee.  Starbucks has established itself as a coffee giant, and no one can argue that they are not.  Starbucks has set a new bar for the coffee industry, and so they have no need to lower their prices in order to meet consumer demands, because it is gaurenteed that people will still come to Starbucks regardless. 

Second Cup is the underdog in this fight.  They are a Canadain based company that is mainly only in Canada, and has only recently began to pop up in other countires.  As a smaller company, Second Cup has been able to stay more in contact with the people that they serve.  They are harder to come by, but their well equiped cafes are worth the walk.  They have a warmer feel than Starbucks, and also have cheaper prices.  Wheather the prices are cheaper because the coffee is cheaper or because they have to keep up with competition, no one will ever know. 

At the end of the day, we belive that Second Cup takes home the first place prize.  Even thought Starbucks Coffee has been the bar for coffee companies world-wide, they have lost their ability to connect with the customers.  And isn't that what retail is all about? Connecting with your customers?

The Epic Battle!